90 days from today is Mon, 19 May 2025

Durham Police Federation

About us

Durham Police Federation is one of 43 Branch Boards that make up the National Police Federation of England and Wales which represents every member of the Police Service up to and including the rank of Chief Inspector.

The role of the Federation is two fold, to represent members in all matters affecting their welfare and to be involved in and promote issues which affect the efficiency of the Force.

The National Federation is funded by monthly subscriptions from officers with no cost to the public. The Federation works on two levels, the Local Federation and the National Federation.

On a national level, the Federation negotiates with Government and other bodies on issues such as police pay and conditions whilst locally, the Federation represents officers in discussions with senior officers, the Police and Crime Commissioner and other bodies.

Your local branch board is controlled and managed entirely by serving police officers and is not affiliated or associated with any bodies outside the service. Unlike a Trade Union the Police Federation is completely independent and has no power to seek any form of industrial action.

The Federation Representative is elected by you, to look after you and they receive high quality training in aspects such as Misconduct, Equality and Health and Safety. They receive no additional payment but are allowed under the Police Regulations to have duty time to represent their colleagues.

The Federation negotiates on all aspects of pay, allowances, hours of duty, annual leave and pensions. It is consulted when police regulations are made on areas such as promotion, training and discipline. It takes an active interest in a wide range of subjects which affect the police service and puts forward views on your behalf. As a result, the Federation is more than a staff association. It is also a professional and consultative body, able to influence not only living standards through pay and benefits, but also the development of professional standards.

We can also:

  • Provide free legal advice, assistance and costs to members facing criminal proceedings brought against them for an offence committed in or founded upon something done in the performance or purported performance of police duties
  • Negotiate nationally on police pay, terms and conditions
  • Provide welfare advice and help on personal issues
  • Provide advice and representation at disciplinary hearings
  • Provide advice and representation at industrial tribunals
  • Help with civil claims and industrial claims injuries
  • Consult, negotiate and facilitate the most up to date health and safety elements for the job
  • Assist with grievance procedures
  • Act as a consultative body on legislative and political matters
  • Seek to influence the political agenda on policing
  • Lobby government on changes likely to adversely affect policing
  • Contribute to professional reviews on policing
  • Offer advice to anyone suffering sexual, racial or other discriminatory harassment
  • Host a number of events on policing matters from our Annual Conference to National Police Bravery Awards
  • Speak for and on behalf of rank and file officers in the media and with opinion formers
  • Represent our members views at a number of seminars, meetings and round table discussions with stakeholders