90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Dorset Police Federation

4 October 2021

Dorset Police officers get a special visit from newest Federation rep Hogan

Dorset Police officers are receiving some extra attention from the Federation’s newest representative. 

Hogan, the police wellbeing dog, has been visiting officers across the force to provide welfare support and much-needed relaxation time. 

Hogan, who belongs to Dorset Police Federation Representative Sandra Rigby and is supported by the National Police Wellbeing Service, has seen real success in supporting officers.

Over the previous week the pair have been accompanying the force wellbeing van and welfare representatives, visiting various stations and force headquarters, to brighten up peoples days and to start conversations. 

Sandra said: “The idea is that if somebody has been to a particularly traumatic job and they need a little bit of light-hearted relief to let their brain relax before they have to put pen to paper, writing statements and case files and stuff, they can have a little time with Hogan. 

“Or we can do group inputs like if someones having a training day I would go along and talk about all the welfare and wellbeing thats available in the force through the federation and they can have a mooch around and a play with Hogan, whether thats in the office or we can do it in an outdoors environment, for example down the beach or in the forest.

“It encourages people take time out and have 10 minutes away from the radio or the computer screen, so theyre getting a bit of light relief in their shift as opposed to just being hammered all the time.” 

Officers who would like a visit from Logan can also book him through the Federation office.

Sandra added: “Its been very well received by lots of people already. And the chief constable and the PCC have been very supportive of it as well which is great, so hopefully itll develop further. 

“It’s been a brilliant little crowd pleaser. Officers see the dog and they come over and have a chat. Its a good conversation opener because people just instantly relax when theres a dog around and that enables me to see how theyre doing, how theyre being supported in force, if theres any issues, either at home or at work, that we can help with as a Federation.”