90 days from today is Fri, 18 April 2025

Dorset Police Federation

23 December 2019

Dorset Police Federation look back on 2019 in a festive message to members

As we approach the end of the year Ian and I thought it would be prudent to take time and reflect on the challenges we have faced in the last 12 months, both at a local and National level.

Whilst visiting stations during the year and talking to officers we are always reminded of the key issues that are having a real impact on our officers . Welfare, pay, pensions and mental wellbeing to name just a few of the regular topics.

This year we were awarded a 2.5% pay rise after 8 years of static or pay awards at less than cost of living increases in real terms.  Although we welcome the amount this didnt go far enough to reflect the work , dedication and danger officers are facing everyday. Pay is key to welfare and this is something we must continue to challenge Government on as we progress in 2020. 

Pensions are an extremely emotive subject and whilst we witnessed the outcome of the FBU and Judges pension decisions,this year we must remain focussed and ensure our members best interests are represented at the ongoing discussions with Government around the remedy that will be put in place to negate the discrimination faced by our members. 

Assaults, last year we had 312 officers in Dorset assaulted , that’s 6 every week, this is a topic that not only effects our members but their families. We have worked hard to ensure officers are better protected, calling for more Tasers and additional funding to ensure better training and equipment is available to all who put themselves in harms way whilst protecting others.

Moving forward with the new Conservative Government we will continue to hold them to account to ensure they deliver on the election promises, increased sentences for assaults on emergency workers, more actually delivering the  promised 20,000 officers. 

Close to our hearts is the introduction of a Police Covenant that will ensure officers serving and retired who have served the public are provided with better medical services for both physical and psychological issues.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas whether you’re at home or working keeping your colleagues and public safe.

Best wishes for 2020