90 days from today is Tue, 24 June 2025
A police officer may take time off because of the unexpected disruption or termination of arrangements for the care of a dependant, or
To deal with an incident which involves a child of the member and which occurs unexpectedly in a period during which an educational establishment, which the child attends, is responsible for him/her.
Leave taken as time off for dependants shall be treated as duty, but does not apply unless the member tells his/her chief officer the reason for his/her absence as soon as reasonably practicable. Best practice would be to inform a line supervisor of your circumstances ASAP after you become aware of it.
A “dependant” means, in relation to a member of a police force:
a) a spouse, b) a child, c) a parent, d) a person who lives in the same household as the member, otherwise than by reason of being his employee, tenant, lodger or boarder.
This also covers when a dependant falls ill, gives birth or is injured or assaulted or in consequence of the death of a dependant.
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