Cumbria Police Federation

New Government Should Consider Force-Specific Funding

8 July 2024

Each police force should have specific funding to cater for its unique needs, Cumbria Police Federation has said.

Chair Ed Russell was speaking after the new Labour Government has promised to focus on neighbourhood policing by increasing the number of police officers and PCSOs.

Ed said: “Police officers up and down the country are hopeful for improvements for the public and our profession under a Labour Government. A promise of more officers and PCSOs to patrol neighbourhoods is heartening as our current numbers struggle to achieve this vital function.

“I am hopeful that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will oversee improvements in CPS/police relations and interoperability. A stronger working relationship is needed at a grass roots level within our organisations to improve services and outcomes for victims of crime.

“I urge the Government to look at pay and conditions for officers. Voluntary resignations across the service continue to spike, and that loss of skills and experience is having a demonstrable impact across the country.

“The police, like all public services, need investment and I am hopeful that a Labour Government will address this. This investment needs to be force specific, however.

“Each county has its own unique needs and Cumbria is no different. I look forward to speaking with our new MPs and discussing how we can continue to improve policing for the public.”