Cumbria Police Federation

Federation celebrates force’s Response Officer of the Year

20 July 2024


Cumbria Police Federation has praised the “exceptional” work of PC Bryony Kenny, the force’s Response Officer of the Year.

In June, Bryony was nominated for the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s Response Police Officer of the Year. The award recognises the vital role of response officers as part of Response Policing Week.

This week Federation Representatives attended Barrow Police HQ, where Byrony is based, to congratulate her and present her with a small gift.

Federation Chair Ed Russell said: “Bryony has performed exceptionally over the past year and we were pleased to be able to provide a small gift as a token of appreciation.

“It is important to note, however, that all officers up and down the county continue to go above and beyond for the public of Cumbria, working in difficult circumstances to provide the very best service they can.”

Bryony was nominated for her proactive approach, support for victims and commitment to bringing offenders to justice. Over the past year, she has been one of the highest-performing officers, with her tenacity leading to 72 stop searches.

She joined the police in 2021 and has proved to be an extremely resilient officer. In one incident she tackled a man brandishing a fence post on her own before deploying PAVA spray, securing the male while other officers arrived.

Bryony is now a qualified tutor and is taking on her own student. On just her third day as a tutor constable Bryony carried out a foot chase and arrested a male found carrying drugs, cash and an imitation firearm.

At the time of Bryony’s nomination, Chief Constable Rob Carden said: “Bryony is an exceptional response officer who is respected by her supervisors and peers. Bryony has balanced the need to be professional and caring with victims against the need to be proactive and determined with criminals. Although relatively young in service, Bryony is one of the highest-performing officers in the force and she is an excellent role model for any aspiring police officer.”