90 days from today is Thu, 10 April 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Police Charities UK

Police Charities UK

Police Charities UK - a single place to find a police charity

The purpose of this website is to act as a reference guide for anyone who may need to access the services of the various UK police charities.

Charities have been established up and down the country to serve police officers in a number of ways, for instance those in need of rehabilitation if they have suffered injury or violence on duty. In addition charities also support families if an incident renders a police officer permanently or temporarily incapacitated.

In the case of death, there are charities to support the loved ones left behind. And memorial charities have been established to honour those who have died in service.

Over recent years, with deep budget cuts being keenly felt by police forces up and down the country, other charities have been formed, for example to fundraise for sniffer dogs, which are a vital part of forensic policing.

Details of the Northern Irish, Welsh and Scottish charities have also been included to highlight the great work being done all around the United Kingdom and the historical ties between the countries and our respective police forces.

This website is not necessarily exhaustive but is a starting point to summarise the main charities throughout the UK. If your charity would be like to be considered for inclusion please email web@polfed.org


January 2025