Leicestershire  Police Federation

Join the Federation

Leicestershire Police Federation

For as little as 78p per day - a total of £24.31 per pay month - members will have the full protection of the Federation for the rest of their working career, not to mention real peace of mind.


New recruits are also entitled to reduced Federation subscription fees for the first year of their police service. Student officers pay just 50 per cent of the normal rates for the first year of their service and 100 per cent of rates from their second year onwards

If you think this is expensive, think again. How costly would it be to have professional and legal support at your fingertips when you most need it? Employment tribunals, defamatory comments, false allegation against you: these are just some examples of how the Federation spends approximately £10 million per year in legal representation for members.


A number of the services provided are paid for by contributing members and therefore not available to non-contributing members. If you want to apply to be a contributing member follow the links below: