Our Quick Reference Guide provides a basic summary of members’ main terms and conditions. It is not intended to be exhaustive, nor can it be considered a substitute for the various regulations and determinations which govern their terms and conditions of appointment.
This is not a legal document and does not contain any legal advice.
This guide has been produced and updated by the Policy team in line with our current understanding of Police Regulations 2003 and determinations, Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020, Police (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2020 and Police (Performance) Regulations 2020 and is subject to change.
The aim is to update this once a year or as and when significant regulations and determinations are issued.
Please note the Policy team is unable to deal with queries from individual members and federation representatives.
If members or individual Federation representatives have specific questions regarding terms and conditions of service, they should contact their local Branch Board in the first instance.
If a Branch Board is unable to answer a terms and conditions query then Chairs and Secretaries can raise these with the Policy team via termsandconditions@polfed.org.
If a query is pensions related then this should be raised with the Pensions Policy team via PensionEnquiries@polfed.org.